Health effects of geopathic stress
Geopathic stress is one factor that can contribute to ill health. It has the ability to disrupt the body’s natural rhythms and functions, and to produce emotional and psychological responses. Many people are unaware of geopathic stress and therefore don’t realise it is effecting them, or that it can be neutralised to help avoid serious illness. The effects of geopathic stress are varied but we usually need to spend a considerable amount of time within the zone of stress for it to effect us; if only a short amount of time is spent in a geopathically stressed location, the symptoms are likely to be slight.
Geopathic stress can affect animate and inanimate objects, including people, plants, animals and buildings, although all tend to be affected in different ways. Some animals benefit from the effects of earth energies, while others – including humans – generally find them disturbing. The actions of animals have long been used to detect safe and unsafe places to reside. Sheep and dogs, for example, tend to avoid geopathic stress, whereas bees have been found to produce more honey in hives that are located over geopathic stress.
Extensive research has been conducted throughout the world on the effects of geopathic stress on human beings. An array of symptoms of long-term exposure have been identified, most of which relate to an interference with the immune system and an exacerbation of symptoms.
Common signs of geopathic stress having a detrimental impact on someone include (but are not limited to):
- disturbed sleep – including difficulties falling and staying asleep, nightmares, teeth grinding and sleep talking
- waking feeling tired, unrefreshed and irritable
- babies and children curling up or lying awkwardly in bed (improvements are usually noted when the bed is moved or when sleeping in a different bed)
- babies crying continuously in bed
- asthma
- unexplained mood swings
- aggression
- depression
- fatigue
- infertility, miscarriage, premature birth
- cancer – tumours are known to develop almost always at exactly the place in the body where two or more lines of geopathic stress cross when lying in bed
diseases or disruption of the central nervous system, and the immune and lymphatic systems.

Geopathic stress doesn’t cause disease, but it weakens the body’s defences against it. Continuous stress on the body means it becomes more depleted, we have less energy, our immune system is impeded and we become more susceptible to illness. Geopathic stress can also affect cell repair, and absorption of essential vitamins and minerals. As well as affecting the normal functioning of cells and our ability to fight off disease, geopathic stress is also thought to interfere with fertility.
It is also thought that geopathic stress affects different organs of the body through resonance. When organs in the body vibrate at the same level or range as these earth energies, there is the potential for that vibration to be disrupted. Geopathic stress can also interfere with body’s electrical systems: brain waves, the heartbeat, and stimulation of nerves and muscles.
Austrian researcher Käthe Bachler conducted extensive research in the 1970s into the effects of geopathic stress, looking at 11,000 sleeping places in more than 3000 apartments, house and workplaces in 14 countries. She found that calcium, zinc and serotonin levels are all affected by it. The effects this could have on the body are alarming, and could potentially lead to insomnia, depression, infertility and bone disorders to name but a few. A study carried out in Austria in 1990 by Dr Bergsmann also found that geopathic stress led to a significant reduction in levels of serotonin, which regulates mood, appetite and sleep. Poor sleep is a common complaint of those found to be sleeping over geopathic stress, and Dr Bergsmann’s findings confirm why this is the case.
Earth energies are not static; they can change in size and strength. Research has found that at night, when the earth de-magnetises itself, the intensity of earth energies increases and that the phases of the moon and stormy weather can also strengthen their effects considerably. Furthermore, because we spend approximately one third of our lives sleeping, we are spending longer over these radiations when we sleep, and as we are lying horizontally in bed, more of our body can be exposed to the field of geopathic stress than when we are standing upright. When we sleep, our body rests, grows and heals; it is also an important time for our brains to rest. As such, the value of sleep in our overall health cannot be overemphasised, and where we sleep is of great importance.
It is important to remember that while geopathic stress does not cause illness, removing it can contribute to strengthening the body’s immune system. While the disease may have eventually developed anyway, ongoing exposure to geopathic stress compounds the body’s weaknesses. In geomancy we remedy geopathic stress to support the immune system to work at its best, rather than limiting its ability to fight illness and disease. It is important to remember, however, that earth energies are not the only type of stress our bodies are under and we must try and make improvements in lifestyle and health wherever possible.