As the wheel turns, this Sunday day and night come back into balance and here in the Southern Hemisphere we welcome in Spring Equinox, or Ostara. From hereon our days will continue to lengthen and the force of the Sun will strengthen as we move towards Summer Solstice.

Now is a good time to pause and take note of where we’re heading. By honouring this change in seasons we can let go of any links to our past that we have grown beyond during the quiet of winter; now is a time for cleansing, rebirth and committing to new intentions. It is time to honour ourselves and our connection with nature.

The plants and trees are shaking off their wintry slumber and turning to the spring sun. The blossoms are flowering, bare trees are budding, and signs of new life and the promise of things to come are everywhere. The earth is renewing and so are we all. I feel a sense of excitement about.

Spring Equinox is a time of fertility. It’s a time of new beginnings, literally and metaphorically, and astrologically September is aligned to support this. Now is the time to plant seeds for future harvest. It’s time to welcome back the nature spirits and to find your own way and place to connect with the energies of the awakening Earth.

The Earth’s energy lines are strong now, as they are strengthened by the energy of the new. It can be a great time to get dowsing to explore these lines, or to seek out your own power spot or sweet energy spot in nature. Find your place of power and connection, and be outside. Create your own sacred ceremony to welcome in the new and to acknowledge what you have learnt and how you have grown over the internal months of winter.

Have new adventures and begin new ventures. Use this time to celebrate moving forward, to move and dance the dance of life. Relish in the energy of regeneration and expansion that’s around us at the moment. It’s time to dream new.

Today is also the International Day of Peace – let’s all weave an extra wish for peace and love into our equinox rituals (the world certainly needs more of both at the moment).

🕊️ 💚 🕊️