Quarrying can disrupt natural earth energies that spiral out for a considerable distance. Many dowsers believe no healthy waves are emitted from an active quarry, particularly where explosives are used.
Spending time in disturbed or unhealthy energies, known as geopathic stress, can impact greatly on your health. Over time, emotional and physical symptoms, including illness, often occur. Some symptoms experienced include lethargy, and difficulties sleeping and overcoming illness.
Want to learn more about geopathic stress and other disruptions to earth’s subtle energies?
Join us at our All About Earth workshop in January 2019 and empower yourself by learning about the nature, causes, types, signs, and medical and social symptoms of geopathic stress, as well as a range of techniques to neutralise or heal disturbed earth energies.
Learn to work with subtle realms and earth energies to heal and create environments that assist you and others live in harmony and health.
with Richard Creightmore & Jewels Rocka
Thursday 31 January – Sunday 3 February 2019
9.30 am – 5 pm (4 days)
CERES, Brunswick East, Victoria
Theory and practice of dowsing earth’s subtle energies. We will explore the nature and scope of dowsable earth energy lines; communication with etheric and astral earth beings; the nature, causes, types, signs, and medical and social symptoms of geopathic stress; and a range of techniques to neutralise or heal disturbed earth energies. You will discover your personal strengths using a variety of systems. We will also examine the theory and design of sacred space. More …
🐦 Enrol before 1 December and catch our EARLY BIRD SPECIAL! 🐦