A four-corner blessing can be offered to the four corners (or four directions) of a site. By honouring these directions a spiritual strength is created. This relies heavily on intention to harmonise a site.
Creating and performing a ceremony of any size or kind can be empowering. It encourages feelings of connectedness between those performing it and with energies outside of ourselves. It helps us to see and honour the forces of the universe and those within ourselves.
As well as helping to set and strengthen intentions, ceremony can help heal old wounds and trauma, it can be a way of honouring nature, ancestors, beings in other realms, or of receiving guidance … or endless other possibilities.
Ceremony opens portals, doorways to other realms, allowing us to communicate with unseen beings and energies, to receive guidance and help, and to improve our lives and ways of being. The power of solitary and group ceremony can been immense and the possibilities for its use boundless.
Want to learn more about ceremony, ritual, space clearing and portals? Come to our 2-day workshop in May!

18–19 May 2019 (2 days)
Abbotsford Convent, Melbourne
An introduction to the release of Geopsychic Stress, with a particular focus on the nature, causes and signs of imprints, earthbound ghosts and entities. Working with shamanic and magical arts, we will learn techniques to enhance geomantic practice. This includes Protection Protocols, Banishings, and Rituals for Working Safely and Clearing Space. Read more …
Enrolments now open
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15–16 May 2019 (2 days)
Abbotsford Convent, Melbourne
A journey into the world of Elementals, Nature Spirits and Tree Spirits, and the immense pleasure and benefits communicating with these realms can bring to your life. More …
Payment options and plans available