Enrolments in our exciting new Geomancy Intensive, 5-day residential program are now open!
Do you want to immerse yourself for 5 days in the shamanic and magical arts of Geomancy? This residential program runs from 10 am Monday 11 November until 6 pm Friday 15 November, and includes day and night classes.
Accommodation and all meals are included in the course fee.
Rooms are allocated as enrolments are received, so register early!
Deepen your practice or start your journey in Geomancy.
5 days, residential
with Richard Creightmore & Jewels Rocka
Monday to Friday, 11–15 November 2019
The Grande Hotel, Hepburn Springs, Victoria
This program offers an immersive experience into the shamanic and magical arts of Geomancy. You will gain the knowledge and skills to work in relationship with the subtle nature of the earth and its allies. You will learn to create healing, nurturing and prosperous homes, businesses and sacred spaces.
The focus of these five days will be Earth Energies and Site Energetics, Geopathic Stress, and Earth Acupuncture, all within a Ritual and Magical framework. Click here for more details …
This residential program runs over 5 days, from 10 am Monday until 6 pm Friday, and includes day and night classes. Accommodation and all meals are included in the course fee.
Enrolments now open
Numbers are strictly limited. Claim your place now!
Payment options and plans available