Maintaining balance and harmony between Heaven qi, Earth qi and Human qi ensures balance between the creative and nurturing principles on a site. Qi is the life force, or breath of life. Heaven qi is related to Grandfather Sky and is more yang, while Earth qi is associated with Grandmother […]
Geopsychic Phenomena class of 2019
Congratulations and heartfelt gratitude to our ‘Geopsychic Phenomena’ class of 2019. What a weekend, tuning into the energies of the Convent, getting to know the story of the land, honouring its past and raising the vibration – along this pathway in particular – to help create a more positive space […]
Charting energies
Now I’ve worked the earth energies of my new office space, I want to do some charts for the building to further enhance those that are supportive and weaken the effects of any more challenging energies. I’ve done a Ba Zhai chart, a Western Astrology chart, and a Compass School […]
The gift of a wand
After dowsing the line of geopathic stress through my new office space, I found that I needed to carry out some earth acupuncture before moving in. By using earth acupuncture, the geopathic stress will go through a therapeutic cycle and the sha stream (unhealthy) will be transformed to a sheng stream […]
Detecting geopathic stress
We’re renovating a studio out the back of our place to use as my new office. I know there’s a line of geopathic stress that runs through it, as I worked on it a couple of years ago, but before moving my office out there I wanted to check that […]
The energetic web of life
‘Any energy phenomenon in the landscape is never bad in itself, but should always be looked at within its network of relationships’ – Marko Pogačnik When working to create balance and wholeness on a site, geomancers will work with the energetic web of that place. One of the easiest and […]
Can you see the faces?
All of Nature is infused with consciousness – it’s the expression of life. As Jung said, this life-spirit ‘animates the whole cosmos’ and is poured ‘into everything, even into inorganic matter’ (Carl Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections). In Nature, this consciousness is expressed as Devas, Elementals and Nature Spirits, who build, […]
World Water Day
This is a photo of the ‘lake’ near our house. Everything is so, so dry this summer in Victoria, and the beautiful expanse of water near us dried up at the start of the year. Today we gave up the wait for rain and had to get water trucked in […]
Geopathic stress and its effects on health
Spending a lot of time in a place that is geopathically stressed can have a considerable impact on your health. We spend a great deal of time sleeping, and lying horizontally in a bed can expose our bodies to more of this harmful radiation. Rolf Gordon’s book Are you Sleeping in […]
So, what is geomancy?
Geomancy literally means ‘divining the earth’ (‘geo’ = earth, ‘mancy’ = divination). This ancient art gives insight into the connections between ourselves, others and our environment. Through reading the earth, dowsing and understanding the subtle energies of a place we can communicate with our environment on a truly profound level […]