Although most mammals don’t like geopathic stress, others in the animal kingdom thrive on it! Many stinging animals, bugs and insects are attracted to zones of geopathic stress. A lot of dowsers have found that wild beehives and ant hills are often located over underground water crossings that would be […]
Fruit tree not fruiting? Could be geopathic stress …
One common sign of a fruit tree suffering from the effects of geopathic stress is that the tree will flower but never bear fruit. I was recently asked to help with a tree that was doing just that. For the last four years this loquat had flowered but never fruited. […]
Geopathic stress and trees
Geopathic stress can affect the growth of trees and plants, and those that don’t like it will become stunted or sick, fruit trees will bloom but not bear fruit, and sometimes the stress is too much and the plants die. Visually, we see also the results of this in the […]
Did you know …
Geopathic stress is a general term used for earth energies that cause humans ill health and discomfort. Geopathic stress can be explained briefly as an unhealthy or flawed relationship between the environment and those living there. It’s a disturbance in earth’s natural energies and magnetic field, which can occur naturally or […]
Energy that is out of balance …
‘Energy that is out of balance has as much of an ecological impact as sulfur emissions, toxic waste and low-level radiation. It’s just that with energy pollution we can’t see it, so we tend not to address it.’ — Machaelle Small Wright Want to know how to bring unbalanced energy […]
Did you know?
Quarrying can disrupt natural earth energies that spiral out for a considerable distance. Many dowsers believe no healthy waves are emitted from an active quarry, particularly where explosives are used. Spending time in disturbed or unhealthy energies, known as geopathic stress, can impact greatly on your health. Over time, […]
Did you know …
Geomancers aim to create balance and wholeness on a site. They do this by reading the earth and working with the energetic web of the site. Learn how at one of our workshops!
Did you know …
When working on a site, it is best to start by addressing the spirit of place, or genius loci. Asking permission to work there ensures you are working with the blueprint of the site.
Some sites are better than others
Some sites are better than others for building dwellings … Most sites can be improved. Some sites can be very difficult and will not be able to support harmonious life. Richard Creightmore and Jewels Rocka
Did you know …
As the breath of life, qi is essential to all living things. Good, healthy qi is essential to a site if it is to support any living thing spending time there. As well as sheng (positive) and sha (detrimental) qi, two other types that impact strongly on a site are shui qi (water qi) and […]