‘Qi is the living essence of the universe … If something has no Qi, then it does not exist.’ Dr Baolin Wu As the breath of life, qi is essential to all living things. Good, healthy qi is essential to a site if it is to support any living thing […]
The energetic web of life
‘Any energy phenomenon in the landscape is never bad in itself, but should always be looked at within its network of relationships’ – Marko Pogačnik When working to create balance and wholeness on a site, geomancers will work with the energetic web of that place. One of the easiest and […]
Co-creating with Nature
I’ve been revisiting some of my books about peoples’ experiences of working with devas and nature spirits in their gardens. I love this passage from The Magic of Findhorn: Perhaps communication with plants isn’t quite so far out as we imagine. The rash of research and literature into the field […]
Every flower, every tree
‘Every flower has its fairy, every tree its spirit. Every woods has its Lady of the Woods. The world is filled with spirits and energies that play upon us and dance about us daily.’ Ted Andrews Join us at our ‘Elementals and Nature Spirits’ workshop in May to journey into […]
Geopathic stress and its effects on health
Spending a lot of time in a place that is geopathically stressed can have a considerable impact on your health. We spend a great deal of time sleeping, and lying horizontally in a bed can expose our bodies to more of this harmful radiation. Rolf Gordon’s book Are you Sleeping in […]
Energy that is out of balance …
‘Energy that is out of balance has as much of an ecological impact as sulfur emissions, toxic waste and low-level radiation. It’s just that with energy pollution we can’t see it, so we tend not to address it.’ — Machaelle Small Wright Want to know how to bring unbalanced energy […]
Dowsing to bridge worlds
‘Dowsing is a tool that works as a bridge that can take you from the physical to the spiritual realms’ Sig Lonegren Come and join us at one of our workshops and learn to access the spiritual realms through dowsing!
Did you know …
When working on a site, it is best to start by addressing the spirit of place, or genius loci. Asking permission to work there ensures you are working with the blueprint of the site.
Our vibrational environment
The vibration of our environment affects us, and us it.
Some sites are better than others
Some sites are better than others for building dwellings … Most sites can be improved. Some sites can be very difficult and will not be able to support harmonious life. Richard Creightmore and Jewels Rocka