As the time of flowers, it’s always great to make flower essences around Beltane. This morning I woke early to the sound of heavy rain: perfect timing to make the hawthorn flower essence I’ve been wanting to make while the bushes are in bloom. Hawthorn blossoms at the beginning of […]

As the wheel turns, we welcome in winter in the Southern Hemisphere, with today being solstice – the shortest day of light and the longest dark. It is a time of rebirth, with the birth of tomorrow’s sun bringing longer days. 🌞 Today’s sunrise on such a crisp winter morning […]

A big thank you to everyone who has supported us this year while we’ve been getting Geomancy Australia off the ground, and especially to those who joined us for our first workshop in September. Geomancy opens you to a whole new way of being, and I’m so pleased to be […]