I’ve been revisiting some of my books about peoples’ experiences of working with devas and nature spirits in their gardens. I love this passage from The Magic of Findhorn: Perhaps communication with plants isn’t quite so far out as we imagine. The rash of research and literature into the field […]
Intention setting at the last new moon of 2018
Today’s new moon, so close to the end of 2018, signals a time of beginnings. The dark moon is a time for inner work and reflection. Now is the time to vision and set intentions for the coming year, to let go of what we no longer need and to […]
Ladybird symbolism
Upon moving to a new country dwelling in central Victoria I discovered a large number of these sweet little insects living in my sunroom window. 🐞 Their folklore and magick is imbedded in our hearts and psyches from a very young age. Ladybird heralds a time of wish fulfilment and […]