Dowsing is an ancient art that has been used for thousands of years throughout the world – the Ancient Egyptians were dowsers and it may date back even earlier. It’s a method of divination, a tool that can be used to find the answer to literally anything, providing you use […]
Exciting changes to Earth Reading in September: now 2 days and new price!
We’ve been working on restructuring our workshop offerings and have some exciting changes to this September’s workshop. The ‘Earth Reading’ class will now be held over two days, on Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 September 2018, and has a new lower price. While the focus of this workshop will remain the same, some content has changed […]
New workshop offerings 2018–19
Our course offerings for 2018–19 have just been released! Join us for one or all of our life-changing workshops and learn to read subtle energies and extend your connection with your environment, to heal others and yourself. 🍃 Visit our training and events page here for more information EARTH READING […]
Earth Magic class of 2018
✨ Congratulations and heartfelt gratitude to our ‘Earth Magic’ class of 2018. After four days of magick and wonder with Jewels Rocka I’m sure everyone’s spirits are soaring! Enjoy the geomantic journey everyone, I hope to see you again at one of our future workshops. And blessings to our students […]
Come and join us in February 2018 and develop your geomantic eyes
Our next workshop offerings are now only a couple of months away! In February 2018 we’ll be holding our next 4-day workshop, All About Earth, as well as two 1-day classes, Water Divining and Sacred Journey. All are being taught by Jewels Rocka and Richard Creightmore of Land and Spirit in […]
Did you know?
When dowsing, the focus and wording of the question is of utmost importance. If you do not ask the right question clearly, you will not get a clear or correct response.
Our first ‘Earth Reading’ class
Congratulations and heart felt gratitude to our first ‘Earth Reading’ class. What an incredible four days we have had with the amazing Jewels Rocka @landandspirit, learning, expanding and sharing. Welcome to the Geomancy tribe everyone, and Merry meet, merry part until we meet again! xx
A geomantic site harmonisation
✨🍃 We conducted a Geomantic site harmonisation in Trentham yesterday (between snow and heavy rain). ✨🍃 The clouds parted just long enough to do earth acupuncture and honour the spirit of place, including acknowledging the traditional land owners, the Dja Dja Wurrung people of the Kulin nation. Offerings of Grandfather […]
A geomantic adventure
A year ago we were preparing to embark on a life-changing journey to the UK. While pondering whether dowsing rods should be checked-in rather than packed in carry-on luggage, and whether sage for smudging would cause problems in customs, little did we know that in 12 months’ time our passion […]
Earth Reading
Geomancy is an ancient healing practice working with and harmonising the energies in the built and natural environments. Through dowsing, observation and conscious connection, appropriate remedial actions can be taken where necessary, creating environments that support and nurture all who inhabit the space. It has a lot in common with […]