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Clover – Earth’s regenerator
Please value this lovely plant and don’t poison it – as you can see, it clearly loves you! The practical gifts of clover are diverse … ☘ Clover that grows on your property will keep the snakes away. ☘ It enriches pastures for cattle, horses, sheep, or goats. ☘ Clover […]
Ladybird symbolism
Upon moving to a new country dwelling in central Victoria I discovered a large number of these sweet little insects living in my sunroom window. 🐞 Their folklore and magick is imbedded in our hearts and psyches from a very young age. Ladybird heralds a time of wish fulfilment and […]
Smudging with sweetgrass
Hierochloe odorata, known as sweetgrass, is an aromatic herb native to northern Eurasia and North America. Its distinctive, sweet scent is due to the presence of coumarin, a natural chemical compound found in some plants. When burned for healing or ritual purposes, the smoke from braided sweetgrass attracts positive energies and […]
Snake medicine
It’s interesting how many fear the snake without even crossing its path within the physical world. 🐍 Like an ancient genetic code, we recoil at the idea of crossing paths with the snake, and yet she is a profound symbol of things hidden deep within our collective psyche worthy and necessary […]
Orb weaver – the weaver of fates
I spotted an orb weaver’s web full of jewels today, near a permanent earth acupuncture remedy made of paramagnetic rock. The orb weaver is the weaver of fates, and the message she offers is that of creativity. She and her sisters are attracted to the meridian that runs through the […]