‘Energy that is out of balance has as much of an ecological impact as sulfur emissions, toxic waste and low-level radiation. It’s just that with energy pollution we can’t see it, so we tend not to address it.’ — Machaelle Small Wright Want to know how to bring unbalanced energy […]

  The effects of Geopathic Stress can be compounded by modern buildings, especially those with concrete floors and steel frames. These carry georadiations and spread them throughout the building, making it much more difficult to avoid. Geopathic stress is a disturbance in earth’s natural energies and magnetic field. It can […]

Our Early Bird offer for the ‘All About Earth’ workshop finishes this weekend. Enrol now and save $255!     🐦  Have you been thinking of joining us in 2019 to learn more about Geopathic Stress, Earth Energies and Earth Healing Techniques such as earth acupuncture, permanent needles and cairns, […]

  Quarrying can disrupt natural earth energies that spiral out for a considerable distance. Many dowsers believe no healthy waves are emitted from an active quarry, particularly where explosives are used. Spending time in disturbed or unhealthy energies, known as geopathic stress, can impact greatly on your health. Over time, […]

  Geomancy means ‘divining the earth’. This ancient art gives insight into the connections between ourselves, others and our environment. Through reading the earth, dowsing and understanding the subtle energies of a place we can communicate with our environment on a truly profound level. As geomancers, we work consciously with […]

Our course offerings for 2018–19 have just been released! Join us for one or all of our life-changing workshops and learn to read subtle energies and extend your connection with your environment, to heal others and yourself. 🍃 Visit our training and events page here for more information EARTH READING […]

Our next workshop offerings are now only a couple of months away! In February 2018 we’ll be holding our next 4-day workshop, All About Earth, as well as two 1-day classes, Water Divining and Sacred Journey. All are being taught by Jewels Rocka and Richard Creightmore of Land and Spirit in […]

A year ago we were preparing to embark on a life-changing journey to the UK. While pondering whether dowsing rods should be checked-in rather than packed in carry-on luggage, and whether sage for smudging would cause problems in customs, little did we know that in 12 months’ time our passion […]

In these challenging times, many of us have a desire to reunite with the natural laws of earth and return to ancient wisdoms of the past. Geomancy is one such tradition, dealing with subtle earth energies and their relationship with living a balanced, healthy and bountiful life. It has often […]

This property in Melbourne’s northern suburbs was plagued with signs of geopathic stress. Ant and mouse infestations, constant feelings of aggression and emotional ‘loss of control’ were experienced by all occupants when in the main gathering areas of the home. It was dowsed that an earth meridian was running exactly […]