We found this little guy in our wood shed last night! Echidnas are the oldest surviving mammal on earth, and they’re extremely shy – which is why they’re often associated with hermeticism. Echidna medicine is about being alone, self-protection and keeping your secrets. After finding this echidna I looked further […]

  Earth energies change in size and strength at different times of the day and year. Many are more powerful at night, when the earth de-magnetises. They can also be affected by the phases of the moon, and many researchers believe they are stronger at the waxing and full Moon. […]

Today’s new moon, so close to the end of 2018, signals a time of beginnings. The dark moon is a time for inner work and reflection. Now is the time to vision and set intentions for the coming year, to let go of what we no longer need and to […]

  Exposure to geopathic stress has been linked to tiredness and exhaustion, depression, mood swings, difficulty concentrating, headaches, repeated illness and difficulties recovering from sickness, and so much more. All of this will affect someone’s ability to carry out their job, their productivity and overall happiness in the workplace – […]

‘Energy that is out of balance has as much of an ecological impact as sulfur emissions, toxic waste and low-level radiation. It’s just that with energy pollution we can’t see it, so we tend not to address it.’ — Machaelle Small Wright Want to know how to bring unbalanced energy […]

  The effects of Geopathic Stress can be compounded by modern buildings, especially those with concrete floors and steel frames. These carry georadiations and spread them throughout the building, making it much more difficult to avoid. Geopathic stress is a disturbance in earth’s natural energies and magnetic field. It can […]

  Quarrying can disrupt natural earth energies that spiral out for a considerable distance. Many dowsers believe no healthy waves are emitted from an active quarry, particularly where explosives are used. Spending time in disturbed or unhealthy energies, known as geopathic stress, can impact greatly on your health. Over time, […]

Around Beltane, when veils between worlds are thin, it’s easier to make contact with spirits, elementals, nature spirits and those in other realms. I took some photos at Beltane this year, while we were walking our labyrinth at night, and these spirits made themselves known by showing in some of […]

Today’s a powerful energy day for the planet. The 11th day of the 11th month in an 11 year (2+0+1+8=11) presents a gateway and an opportunity for independent thought, action and creation. In numerology the number 1 represents unity and initiative. As with any double digit it becomes amplified as […]

  ‘A secondary dowsing response is a reaction to something you don’t know firsthand and have no direct physical experience of (e.g. dowsing a site you have never visited, map dowsing). It is thought by some to require tapping into the collective unconscious.’ (Read a previous post about ideas on […]