A big thank you to everyone who has supported us this year while we’ve been getting Geomancy Australia off the ground, and especially to those who joined us for our first workshop in September. Geomancy opens you to a whole new way of being, and I’m so pleased to be […]

Today is Litha – also known as Midsummer and Summer Solstice – when the seasons turn and bring in summer, and the longest day of sunlight of the year. It is a time of joy, abundance and play, and a great day to be out in nature, soaking up the […]

Our next workshop offerings are now only a couple of months away! In February 2018 we’ll be holding our next 4-day workshop, All About Earth, as well as two 1-day classes, Water Divining and Sacred Journey. All are being taught by Jewels Rocka and Richard Creightmore of Land and Spirit in […]

This beautiful little book provides a valuable introduction to working with the wisdom of plants, and explores ways of deepening your connection with plants in order to learn directly from them. Nathaniel Hughes opens the doorway into communicating with plants intuitively, offering a way to discover an enriching relationship with […]

Congratulations and heart felt gratitude to our first ‘Earth Reading’ class. What an incredible four days we have had with the amazing Jewels Rocka @landandspirit, learning, expanding and sharing. Welcome to the Geomancy tribe everyone, and Merry meet, merry part until we meet again! xx

‘Get smudged!’ ? It’s spring, the time of emergence and awakening. As the natural world begins to expand in search of the light to support its period of rebirth, so too we emerge from our own energetic hibernation. Winter is a time of introspection and looking within, and with the […]