A number of energetic grids surround the earth. Two of the best known are the Curry Grid and the Hartmann Grid. These energetic networks can be used as a barometer of sorts, as they are one way of reading how geopathically stressed a site is. What happens in one part […]

When dowsing, the field projected by underground water is detected. Water can dissolve and carry contamination, and it’s highly conductive. This means it can carry positive and negative imprints. This information held in the water field is also affected by the water’s movement. Read more about water fields here and water […]

Geomancy literally means ‘divining the earth’ (‘geo’ = earth, ‘mancy’ = divination). This ancient art gives insight into the connections between ourselves, others and our environment. Through reading the earth, dowsing and understanding the subtle energies of a place we can communicate with our environment on a truly profound level […]

Although most mammals don’t like geopathic stress, others in the animal kingdom thrive on it! Many stinging animals, bugs and insects are attracted to zones of geopathic stress. A lot of dowsers have found that wild beehives and ant hills are often located over underground water crossings that would be […]

  Some animals and insects are attracted to or build their nests above geopathic stress. These include: cats, ants, termites, bees, wasps, spiders, snails, slugs, owls and snakes. ? Cats are even thought to transmute negative energies to positive!

Animals and insects that avoid geopathic stress include: dogs, fish, horses, pigs, sheep, foxes, chickens, rabbits, mice and other rodents, guinea pigs, cattle, goats, and most birds.

It’s the first day of 2019, a time of new beginnings and a reset of energy for the new year. The start of a new year is always a great time to smudge – smudge yourself and others, smudge your home, smudge your workplace! It’s a great way to help […]

Many of us who live in the country know someone, or know of someone, who can dowse for water. Water divining – or water witching as it’s sometimes called – is an ancient art that many businesses and landowners still rely on today. The tools used by these dowsers can […]

We all spend around one third of our lives sleeping. When we sleep our body rests, grows and heals; it’s also an important time for our brains to rest. As such, the value of sleep in our overall health cannot be overemphasised, and where we sleep is of great importance. […]

As the wheel turns, here in the Southern Hemisphere we celebrate Summer Solstice, or Litha – today is the longest day of the year. Now is the time to celebrate the Sun at the height of its powers (and to acknowledge our turn back towards the dark, as from here […]