Congratulations and heartfelt gratitude to our Earth Reading class of 2018. What an incredible weekend we had learning, expanding and sharing with Jewels Rocka. Welcome to the geomancy tribe! ‘Merry meet, merry part and merry meet again’ x 🌿💚🌿
Did you know …
The energy of your house can be likened to the energy in the body. The ‘mouth’ of the building should bring the qi (energy) into the house and it should be able to circulate freely. Want to know more? Join us for our ‘Earth Reading’ workshop to learn more […]
New workshop offerings 2018–19
Our course offerings for 2018–19 have just been released! Join us for one or all of our life-changing workshops and learn to read subtle energies and extend your connection with your environment, to heal others and yourself. 🍃 Visit our training and events page here for more information EARTH READING […]