A big thank you to everyone who has supported us this year while we’ve been getting Geomancy Australia off the ground, and especially to those who joined us for our first workshop in September. Geomancy opens you to a whole new way of being, and I’m so pleased to be […]
Sage smudge season
‘Get smudged!’ 🙃 It’s spring, the time of emergence and awakening. As the natural world begins to expand in search of the light to support its period of rebirth, so too we emerge from our own energetic hibernation. Winter is a time of introspection and looking within, and with the […]
As below, so above, as above, so below …
As below, so above, as above, so below, to accomplish the miracle of the One Thing …
White tail spider medicine
I found this lovely house guest and resisted the automatic compulsion to kill it. Why? Because I knew I had to research her medicine, and I’m so glad I did! We have been misled to believe that white tails are flesh-rotting evil-doers whose bite will blister and blacken the skin. […]
Pre-spring has arrived
According to the Indigenous Gariwerd seasonal cycles of my region, it’s Larneuk, the season of nesting birds 🕊 This morning I saw a crow collecting sticks for her nest and my salvia has burst into bloom … signs we have transitioned into pre-spring by the Indigenous seasonal wheel. Don’t let the Gregorian […]