Clutter’s not just physical objects. It can be anything in your life you don’t need or have outgrown. This includes old emotions, beliefs and thoughts, and activities or commitments you no longer enjoy. Clearing all forms of clutter helps support you and welcomes new energies in. Look around you. Do […]
How do you sleep?
We all spend around 1/3 of our lives sleeping, so it’s important to give attention to the space in which we sleep. While we sleep our bodies rest, repair and regenerate. If at night our cells and organs are subjected to constant stress, they aren’t able to carry out these […]
Geomancy Intensive 2019 – enrolments now open!
Enrolments in our exciting new Geomancy Intensive, 5-day residential program are now open! Do you want to immerse yourself for 5 days in the shamanic and magical arts of Geomancy? This residential program runs from 10 am Monday 11 November until 6 pm Friday 15 November, and includes day and night classes. […]
Geopsychic Phenomena class of 2019
Congratulations and heartfelt gratitude to our ‘Geopsychic Phenomena’ class of 2019. What a weekend, tuning into the energies of the Convent, getting to know the story of the land, honouring its past and raising the vibration – along this pathway in particular – to help create a more positive space […]
Charting energies
Now I’ve worked the earth energies of my new office space, I want to do some charts for the building to further enhance those that are supportive and weaken the effects of any more challenging energies. I’ve done a Ba Zhai chart, a Western Astrology chart, and a Compass School […]
The gift of a wand
After dowsing the line of geopathic stress through my new office space, I found that I needed to carry out some earth acupuncture before moving in. By using earth acupuncture, the geopathic stress will go through a therapeutic cycle and the sha stream (unhealthy) will be transformed to a sheng stream […]
Geopathic stress and its effects on health
Spending a lot of time in a place that is geopathically stressed can have a considerable impact on your health. We spend a great deal of time sleeping, and lying horizontally in a bed can expose our bodies to more of this harmful radiation. Rolf Gordon’s book Are you Sleeping in […]
Hartmann and Curry grids
A number of energetic grids surround the earth. Two of the best known are the Curry Grid and the Hartmann Grid. These energetic networks can be used as a barometer of sorts, as they are one way of reading how geopathically stressed a site is. What happens in one part […]
So, what is geomancy?
Geomancy literally means ‘divining the earth’ (‘geo’ = earth, ‘mancy’ = divination). This ancient art gives insight into the connections between ourselves, others and our environment. Through reading the earth, dowsing and understanding the subtle energies of a place we can communicate with our environment on a truly profound level […]
Bees and geopathic stress
Although most mammals don’t like geopathic stress, others in the animal kingdom thrive on it! Many stinging animals, bugs and insects are attracted to zones of geopathic stress. A lot of dowsers have found that wild beehives and ant hills are often located over underground water crossings that would be […]