Although most mammals don’t like geopathic stress, others in the animal kingdom thrive on it! Many stinging animals, bugs and insects are attracted to zones of geopathic stress. A lot of dowsers have found that wild beehives and ant hills are often located over underground water crossings that would be […]
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Some animals and insects are attracted to or build their nests above geopathic stress. These include: cats, ants, termites, bees, wasps, spiders, snails, slugs, owls and snakes. 😺 Cats are even thought to transmute negative energies to positive!
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Animals and insects that avoid geopathic stress include: dogs, fish, horses, pigs, sheep, foxes, chickens, rabbits, mice and other rodents, guinea pigs, cattle, goats, and most birds.
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Geopathic stress is a general term used for earth energies that cause humans ill health and discomfort. Geopathic stress can be explained briefly as an unhealthy or flawed relationship between the environment and those living there. It’s a disturbance in earth’s natural energies and magnetic field, which can occur naturally or […]