Some animals and insects are attracted to or build their nests above geopathic stress. These include: cats, ants, termites, bees, wasps, spiders, snails, slugs, owls and snakes. ? Cats are even thought to transmute negative energies to positive!
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Animals and insects that avoid geopathic stress include: dogs, fish, horses, pigs, sheep, foxes, chickens, rabbits, mice and other rodents, guinea pigs, cattle, goats, and most birds.
How do you sleep?
We all spend around one third of our lives sleeping. When we sleep our body rests, grows and heals; it’s also an important time for our brains to rest. As such, the value of sleep in our overall health cannot be overemphasised, and where we sleep is of great importance. […]
Underground water and divining
When we dowse for underground water, we’re looking at the amount and quality of the water in the veins. Water carries information homeopathically and we also look at the quality of the information carried by the water. As water flows underground, through passages and cracks it finds or creates, it […]
Fruit tree not fruiting? Could be geopathic stress …
One common sign of a fruit tree suffering from the effects of geopathic stress is that the tree will flower but never bear fruit. I was recently asked to help with a tree that was doing just that. For the last four years this loquat had flowered but never fruited. […]
Did you know …
Trees and plants that thrive in geopathic stress include: ash, willow, oak, pine, poplar, maple, apricot, nectarine, plum, peach, chestnut, elderberry, juniper, hazelnut, ivy, holly, mistletoe, belladonna, oregano, thistle, mugwort, fungus, asparagus, ferns, nettles and nightshades. Want to learn more about geopathic stress and its effects on plants, animals […]
Did you know …
Trees and plants that dislike geopathic stress include: beech, birch, apple, peach, cherry, lime, walnut, blackberry, honeysuckle, lily, lilac, blackcurrant, hawthorn, rose, azalea, begonia, geranium, primrose, sunflower, aster and most vegetables Want to learn more about geopathic stress and its effects on plants, animals and people? Join us at […]
Geopathic stress and trees
Geopathic stress can affect the growth of trees and plants, and those that don’t like it will become stunted or sick, fruit trees will bloom but not bear fruit, and sometimes the stress is too much and the plants die. Visually, we see also the results of this in the […]
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The growth of plants and trees can be affected by geopathic stress. While some thrive over the emanations, others will bloom but not bear fruit, become stunted, display poor or twisted growth, or cancerous growths on their trunks.
Did you know …
Geopathic stress is a general term used for earth energies that cause humans ill health and discomfort. Geopathic stress can be explained briefly as an unhealthy or flawed relationship between the environment and those living there. It’s a disturbance in earth’s natural energies and magnetic field, which can occur naturally or […]