Congratulations and heartfelt gratitude to our Water Divining class of 2019. Hepburn was the perfect location to connect with the water nymphs and serpents of the springs, and to test our dowsing abilities detecting water and its flow and depth. Happy dowsing!  ‘Merry meet, merry part and merry meet again’ […]

✨ Congratulations and heartfelt gratitude to our ‘Introduction to Geomancy’ class of 2019. After a day with Jewels and Richard I hope your spirits are soaring and you’re ready to start your geomantic journey! ✨ (Richard’s pictured here giving an earth acupuncture demonstration.)⠀ Merry meet, merry part and merry meet again x

What a year 2018 has been … Big love and gratitude to everyone for your support this year, and especially those who joined us at our workshops. I’m looking forward to seeing some familiar and some new faces at our workshops next year! Blessings for the coming year, everyone! 💚 […]

Congratulations and heartfelt gratitude to our Earth Reading class of 2018. What an incredible weekend we had learning, expanding and sharing with Jewels Rocka. Welcome to the geomancy tribe! ‘Merry meet, merry part and merry meet again’ x 🌿💚🌿

As the sun sets on winter solstice I’m lighting the candles on my altar for the rebirth of the sun. The three candles are for honouring the past, the present and what is to come. Release the past. Be present. Be grateful. 💚

As the wheel turns, we welcome in winter in the Southern Hemisphere, with today being solstice – the shortest day of light and the longest dark. It is a time of rebirth, with the birth of tomorrow’s sun bringing longer days. 🌞 Today’s sunrise on such a crisp winter morning […]

✨ Congratulations and heartfelt gratitude to our ‘Earth Magic’ class of 2018. After four days of magick and wonder with Jewels Rocka I’m sure everyone’s spirits are soaring! Enjoy the geomantic journey everyone, I hope to see you again at one of our future workshops. And blessings to our students […]

A big thank you to everyone who has supported us this year while we’ve been getting Geomancy Australia off the ground, and especially to those who joined us for our first workshop in September. Geomancy opens you to a whole new way of being, and I’m so pleased to be […]

Today is Litha – also known as Midsummer and Summer Solstice – when the seasons turn and bring in summer, and the longest day of sunlight of the year. It is a time of joy, abundance and play, and a great day to be out in nature, soaking up the […]

What a day – a super full moon and Mercury moves retrograde! 🌕 It’s a perfect day for release, particularly at the end of such an intense and fast-moving year. The energies around us are supporting self-reflection, completion and envisioning what we want in 2018. Definitely a day for being […]