Spending a lot of time in a place that is geopathically stressed can have a considerable impact on your health. We spend a great deal of time sleeping, and lying horizontally in a bed can expose our bodies to more of this harmful radiation. Rolf Gordon’s book Are you Sleeping in […]
Energy that is out of balance …
‘Energy that is out of balance has as much of an ecological impact as sulfur emissions, toxic waste and low-level radiation. It’s just that with energy pollution we can’t see it, so we tend not to address it.’ — Machaelle Small Wright Want to know how to bring unbalanced energy […]
Did you know?
The effects of Geopathic Stress can be compounded by modern buildings, especially those with concrete floors and steel frames. These carry georadiations and spread them throughout the building, making it much more difficult to avoid. Geopathic stress is a disturbance in earth’s natural energies and magnetic field. It can […]
Did you know?
Quarrying can disrupt natural earth energies that spiral out for a considerable distance. Many dowsers believe no healthy waves are emitted from an active quarry, particularly where explosives are used. Spending time in disturbed or unhealthy energies, known as geopathic stress, can impact greatly on your health. Over time, […]
Earth Reading class of 2018
Congratulations and heartfelt gratitude to our Earth Reading class of 2018. What an incredible weekend we had learning, expanding and sharing with Jewels Rocka. Welcome to the geomancy tribe! ‘Merry meet, merry part and merry meet again’ x 🌿💚🌿
Earth Magic class of 2018
✨ Congratulations and heartfelt gratitude to our ‘Earth Magic’ class of 2018. After four days of magick and wonder with Jewels Rocka I’m sure everyone’s spirits are soaring! Enjoy the geomantic journey everyone, I hope to see you again at one of our future workshops. And blessings to our students […]