We all spend around one third of our lives sleeping. When we sleep our body rests, grows and heals; it’s also an important time for our brains to rest. As such, the value of sleep in our overall health cannot be overemphasised, and where we sleep is of great importance. […]
Did you know …
Geopathic stress is a general term used for earth energies that cause humans ill health and discomfort. Geopathic stress can be explained briefly as an unhealthy or flawed relationship between the environment and those living there. It’s a disturbance in earth’s natural energies and magnetic field, which can occur naturally or […]
Early Bird ends this weekend – enrol now and save!
Our Early Bird offer for the ‘All About Earth’ workshop finishes this weekend. Enrol now and save $255! 🐦 Have you been thinking of joining us in 2019 to learn more about Geopathic Stress, Earth Energies and Earth Healing Techniques such as earth acupuncture, permanent needles and cairns, […]