A four-corner blessing can be offered to the four corners (or four directions) of a site. By honouring these directions a spiritual strength is created. This relies heavily on intention to harmonise a site. Creating and performing a ceremony of any size or kind can be empowering. It encourages feelings […]
Reset for the new year – 2019
It’s the first day of 2019, a time of new beginnings and a reset of energy for the new year. The start of a new year is always a great time to smudge – smudge yourself and others, smudge your home, smudge your workplace! It’s a great way to help […]
Summer Solstice
As the wheel turns, here in the Southern Hemisphere we celebrate Summer Solstice, or Litha – today is the longest day of the year. Now is the time to celebrate the Sun at the height of its powers (and to acknowledge our turn back towards the dark, as from here […]
Intention setting at the last new moon of 2018
Today’s new moon, so close to the end of 2018, signals a time of beginnings. The dark moon is a time for inner work and reflection. Now is the time to vision and set intentions for the coming year, to let go of what we no longer need and to […]
Did you know …
🌚 Today’s new moon in Taurus is a great time for ritual, setting intentions and making a fresh start. A fantastic time for space clearing – or for exploring your learning in areas that ignite something deep within you. Our ‘Earth Magic’ workshop starts this Thursday, join us and […]