The ancient art of dowsing can be used for almost anything. It’s a method of divination, a tool that can be used to find the answer to literally anything, providing you use intent and ask the right question. It’s a great tool to use in Geomancy – or feng shui […]

Enrolments in our upcoming EARTH READING workshop are now open! Do you want to understand the relationships between human activity and environments by deepening your knowledge of Site Energetics, Earth Psychology, Omens and various systems of Geomantic Divination? Learn about the ‘Big 9’ – the nine key energetic concerns to […]

Congratulations and heartfelt gratitude to our ‘Elementals and Nature Spirits’ class of 2019. What a magical couple of days we had learning with Jewels and connecting with the nature spirits and ancient, majestic oak tree spirits at the Convent! To be held by this beautiful Queen Oak while making and […]

Congratulations and heartfelt gratitude to our Water Divining class of 2019. Hepburn was the perfect location to connect with the water nymphs and serpents of the springs, and to test our dowsing abilities detecting water and its flow and depth. Happy dowsing!  ‘Merry meet, merry part and merry meet again’ […]

Many of us who live in the country know someone, or know of someone, who can dowse for water. Water divining – or water witching as it’s sometimes called – is an ancient art that many businesses and landowners still rely on today. The tools used by these dowsers can […]

‘Energy that is out of balance has as much of an ecological impact as sulfur emissions, toxic waste and low-level radiation. It’s just that with energy pollution we can’t see it, so we tend not to address it.’ — Machaelle Small Wright Want to know how to bring unbalanced energy […]

Our Early Bird offer for the ‘All About Earth’ workshop finishes this weekend. Enrol now and save $255!     🐦  Have you been thinking of joining us in 2019 to learn more about Geopathic Stress, Earth Energies and Earth Healing Techniques such as earth acupuncture, permanent needles and cairns, […]

  ‘A secondary dowsing response is a reaction to something you don’t know firsthand and have no direct physical experience of (e.g. dowsing a site you have never visited, map dowsing). It is thought by some to require tapping into the collective unconscious.’ (Read a previous post about ideas on […]

A primary dowsing response is a reaction to something you already know and have firsthand knowledge of, or something you come into contact with physically. The uses for dowsing are infinite! Come and learn to dowse at one of our workshops in January – and how it can be used […]

  Geomancy means ‘divining the earth’. This ancient art gives insight into the connections between ourselves, others and our environment. Through reading the earth, dowsing and understanding the subtle energies of a place we can communicate with our environment on a truly profound level. As geomancers, we work consciously with […]