Congratulations and heartfelt gratitude to our ‘Geopsychic Phenomena’ class of 2019. What a weekend, tuning into the energies of the Convent, getting to know the story of the land, honouring its past and raising the vibration – along this pathway in particular – to help create a more positive space […]

As the wheel turns, here in the Southern Hemisphere we celebrate Summer Solstice, or Litha – today is the longest day of the year. Now is the time to celebrate the Sun at the height of its powers (and to acknowledge our turn back towards the dark, as from here […]

Congratulations and heartfelt gratitude to our Earth Reading class of 2018. What an incredible weekend we had learning, expanding and sharing with Jewels Rocka. Welcome to the geomancy tribe! ‘Merry meet, merry part and merry meet again’ x 🌿💚🌿

✨ Congratulations and heartfelt gratitude to our ‘Earth Magic’ class of 2018. After four days of magick and wonder with Jewels Rocka I’m sure everyone’s spirits are soaring! Enjoy the geomantic journey everyone, I hope to see you again at one of our future workshops. And blessings to our students […]

Today is Litha – also known as Midsummer and Summer Solstice – when the seasons turn and bring in summer, and the longest day of sunlight of the year. It is a time of joy, abundance and play, and a great day to be out in nature, soaking up the […]

Upon moving to a new country dwelling in central Victoria I discovered a large number of these sweet little insects living in my sunroom window. 🐞  Their folklore and magick is imbedded in our hearts and psyches from a very young age. Ladybird heralds a time of wish fulfilment and […]