Please value this lovely plant and don’t poison it – as you can see, it clearly loves you! The practical gifts of clover are diverse … ☘  Clover that grows on your property will keep the snakes away. ☘  It enriches pastures for cattle, horses, sheep, or goats. ☘  Clover […]

Upon moving to a new country dwelling in central Victoria I discovered a large number of these sweet little insects living in my sunroom window. 🐞  Their folklore and magick is imbedded in our hearts and psyches from a very young age. Ladybird heralds a time of wish fulfilment and […]

Hierochloe odorata, known as sweetgrass, is an aromatic herb native to northern Eurasia and North America. Its distinctive, sweet scent is due to the presence of coumarin, a natural chemical compound found in some plants. When burned for healing or ritual purposes, the smoke from braided sweetgrass attracts positive energies and […]

I found this lovely house guest and resisted the automatic compulsion to kill it. Why? Because I knew I had to research her medicine, and I’m so glad I did! We have been misled to believe that white tails are flesh-rotting evil-doers whose bite will blister and blacken the skin. […]