I just received a big dose of pelican medicine … After going to a favourite place of mine – the liminal space between land and water at a nearby lake – I was met by these beauties and received their message on mass! Pelican’s dreaming is one of balance, slowing […]

Upon moving to a new country dwelling in central Victoria I discovered a large number of these sweet little insects living in my sunroom window. 🐞  Their folklore and magick is imbedded in our hearts and psyches from a very young age. Ladybird heralds a time of wish fulfilment and […]

It’s interesting how many fear the snake without even crossing its path within the physical world. 🐍 Like an ancient genetic code, we recoil at the idea of crossing paths with the snake, and yet she is a profound symbol of things hidden deep within our collective psyche worthy and necessary […]

According to the Indigenous Gariwerd seasonal cycles of my region, it’s Larneuk, the season of nesting birds 🕊 This morning I saw a crow collecting sticks for her nest and my salvia has burst into bloom … signs we have transitioned into pre-spring by the Indigenous seasonal wheel. Don’t let the Gregorian […]