Today is World Labyrinth Day – a day when people around the world are encouraged to build, walk or trace a labyrinth and ‘Walk as One at 1’ this afternoon. I recently had the chance to make my first visit to the 11-circuit Chartres style labyrinth in Castlemaine. I posed my […]

Leys are straight lines that crisscross the earth and link sacred sites, power spots and other important places. They occur near places in the landscape that have a ritual context, and often with older physical roads, merchant tracks, churches and wells. Although much research has been done on leys (particularly […]

Our Early Bird offer for the ‘All About Earth’ workshop finishes this weekend. Enrol now and save $255!     🐦  Have you been thinking of joining us in 2019 to learn more about Geopathic Stress, Earth Energies and Earth Healing Techniques such as earth acupuncture, permanent needles and cairns, […]