Equinox has passed and spring is here, so now is the perfect time for a spring cleanse! Smudging your home and yourself is a great way to clear away the last of any winter sluggishness. As well as moving on any stagnant energies, it can help to create space and […]
Sacred trees
On driving through Ararat recently we stopped and talked with the group of Aboriginal activists who’ve been camped out for months, fighting to save a group of ancient trees that are sacred to the local Djap Wurrung people – including an ancient birthing tree. These trees were marked for felling […]
Sage smudge season
‘Get smudged!’ 🙃 It’s spring, the time of emergence and awakening. As the natural world begins to expand in search of the light to support its period of rebirth, so too we emerge from our own energetic hibernation. Winter is a time of introspection and looking within, and with the […]
Smudging with sweetgrass
Hierochloe odorata, known as sweetgrass, is an aromatic herb native to northern Eurasia and North America. Its distinctive, sweet scent is due to the presence of coumarin, a natural chemical compound found in some plants. When burned for healing or ritual purposes, the smoke from braided sweetgrass attracts positive energies and […]