As the wheel turns, here in the Southern Hemisphere the Sun is slowly growing stronger and we celebrate Imbolc, or the Quickening. Life is stirring beneath the earth, the trees are showing signs of waking, and the first jonquils and violets are braving the cold – the Earth is awakening […]

Congratulations and heartfelt gratitude to our ‘Geopsychic Phenomena’ class of 2019. What a weekend, tuning into the energies of the Convent, getting to know the story of the land, honouring its past and raising the vibration – along this pathway in particular – to help create a more positive space […]

The landscape can store intense psychological or emotional experience. This can manifest as intangible emotional impressions or apparitions. They often result from habitual actions, trauma or violent emotion. It’s widely believed that the landscape or a place can record or hold a ‘memory’ that’s created by human consciousness. Vibrations are […]

When working with the Spirit of Place for our property and dowsing the lines of geopathic stress through my new office, I found that as well as doing some earth acupuncture, a blessing ritual should be carried out to help strengthen the work I’ve done. Today I’m collecting resins and […]

A four-corner blessing can be offered to the four corners (or four directions) of a site. By honouring these directions a spiritual strength is created. This relies heavily on intention to harmonise a site. Creating and performing a ceremony of any size or kind can be empowering. It encourages feelings […]

As the wheel turns, here in the Southern Hemisphere we celebrate Autumn Equinox, or Mabon. This celebration marks the end of harvest; it encourages us to reflect, to give thanks and honour the Earth. Now is a time of balance – between day and night (which are of equal length), […]

Equinox has passed and spring is here, so now is the perfect time for a spring cleanse! Smudging your home and yourself is a great way to clear away the last of any winter sluggishness. As well as moving on any stagnant energies, it can help to create space and […]

  🌚 Today’s new moon in Taurus is a great time for ritual, setting intentions and making a fresh start. A fantastic time for space clearing – or for exploring your learning in areas that ignite something deep within you. Our ‘Earth Magic’ workshop starts this Thursday, join us and […]