As the wheel turns, today we celebrate Equinox, and here in the Southern Hemisphere we welcome in spring. Equinox is the point at which day and night come back into balance – from here our days will lengthen and become warmer. Now is the time to celebrate awakening, balance and […]
Imbolc 2019
As the wheel turns, here in the Southern Hemisphere the Sun is slowly growing stronger and we celebrate Imbolc, or the Quickening. Life is stirring beneath the earth, the trees are showing signs of waking, and the first jonquils and violets are braving the cold – the Earth is awakening […]
Summer Solstice
As the wheel turns, here in the Southern Hemisphere we celebrate Summer Solstice, or Litha – today is the longest day of the year. Now is the time to celebrate the Sun at the height of its powers (and to acknowledge our turn back towards the dark, as from here […]
Winter Solstice 2018
As the wheel turns, we welcome in winter in the Southern Hemisphere, with today being solstice – the shortest day of light and the longest dark. It is a time of rebirth, with the birth of tomorrow’s sun bringing longer days. 🌞 Today’s sunrise on such a crisp winter morning […]