Earth energies and geopathic stress
Geopathic stress is a disturbance in earth’s natural energies and magnetic field. These instabilities can occur naturally or they can be created by the actions of people. It is a general term for energies coming from and surrounding the earth that can have an impact on the health of people. Most often it is the detrimental energies (often called negative earth energies) that are discussed; however, it is very important to note that not all earth energies are negative. Earth energies can also be beneficial, and seeking out these ‘sweet spots’ can be very rewarding.
Our ancestors were aware of the earth’s energies and geopathic stress, and lived by certain ‘rules’ to protect themselves from its effects and harness its strengths. This is seen through the location of houses and sacred sites, for example.

Geopathic stress can affect people, animals, insects and plants. When a line of geopathic stress runs through areas of a home or workplace in which people spend large amounts of time, such as a bed or favourite chair, illness is often found to occur. Those affected by geopathic stress often feel lethargic and may have difficulties overcoming illness, among an array of other symptoms. Similarly, when such a line runs through a front door or gate, or through the centre (tai ji) of a house, the quality of qi that can enter and be dispersed throughout the building will be compromised.
While some earth energies occur naturally – for example, geological faults – others are caused or upset by human activity. For example, quarrying can turn beneficial lines of energy into non-beneficial lines, or healthy underground water can become polluted. Buildings can also interfere with the earth’s natural balance, particularly those with deep foundations, as for tall buildings, and those that have reinforced concrete containing metal form of rods or mesh. Geopathic energies can also change with the time of day, seasons and lunar cycle.
Ultimately, geopathic stress can be explained as an unhealthy or flawed relationship between the environment and those living there. The earth is a living and complex being, and as such we need to find balance and harmony to live peacefully and in full health. Geomancy is one method that can help us achieve this balance and harmony.
Types of earth energies
Geopathic stress inhibits the natural flow of earth’s energies. It creates emanations that can cause ill-health and discomfort in human beings; however, it is very important to reiterate that not all earth energies are negative.
There are many different types of earth energies, all of which manifest and affect us in different ways. Following are descriptions of some commons forms of such energies.
Ley lines

Ley lines are lines of energy running in straight lines over the landscape, often related to power sites, and are reflected in ancient tracks and alignments of prehistoric and historical sacred sites.
They are generally straight lines of energy that connect five or more ancient sacred or significant sites (such as standing stones, like those at Stonehenge), or buildings (such as churches), burial sites and wells. They are thought to be areas of immense power, although it is unknown whether these sites were located in a particular place because of the immense energy felt there, or whether the energy resulted from the positioning of these sites.
Ley lines can run ‘clean’ or ‘dirty’, which can be determined by dowsing or by experience. Ley-line crossings are known to be areas that experience increased ‘occult’ phenomena – any geomagnetic disturbance is mirrored on every plane.
Water lines or water courses
Water courses are the most important type of energy line in terms of dealing with geopathic stress. Water courses that are polluted are often referred to as ‘sha’ or ‘black streams’. Underground water, rather than surface water such as lakes and rivers, tends to be most likely to cause problems because it can change the earth’s magnetic field.

As water flows, it has the ability to dissolve and carry different forms of contamination. It is highly conductive, and as a receiver and transmitter of information via vibrational transfer, it can carry a range of imprints, both negative and positive. This information can be released and detected in the field of information projected by the movement of water underground.
Underground water lines will pick up any landscape trauma (e.g. quarrying or laying of foundations), which generates a stagnation of the energy flow of that water line. Usually when the field generated by a ‘dirty’ water course is cleaned up this clears issues with other forms of geopathic stress that cross that line, such as nodes or crossing points of geomagnetic grids.
Much like geological faults, when dowsing for water courses it is the field created that is located, rather than the water itself. These fields can effect these living above them in a variety of ways, including inexplicable lethargy, insomnia, short-term memory loss, panic attacks, depression, headaches, loss of balance, muscle and joint pain, and light hypersensitivity.
Geological faults

Geological faults are physical faults, fissures or cavities in the earth’s crust, which can’t always be seen from the surface. They can cause a leakage of earth radiation, and in such cases natural gases such as radon and methane can be released. Radon is a particularly dangerous radioactive gas and has been found to be the biggest cause of lung cancer after smoking (World Health Organization 2014).
When locating a geological fault in geomancy, it is the field created by the fault, and not necessarily the fault itself, that is detected. It is this field that has the ability to affect our internal fields, such as brainwaves, as well as creating subtle disturbances in earth’s magnetic field (magnetic updrafts can disturb the local magnetic fields close to the fault), and release stored psychological information from within the earth.
Geological faults are very common, and their size an vary immensely; in times of drought the earth can expand, creating more faults. Physical indicators of geological faults include cracks in walls and concrete, or a room feeling cold despite efforts to remedy this. They can affect those living above them, often manifesting as an imbalance or disharmony, as well as insomnia, anger or long-term illness.
Geomagnetic grids

A number of global geomagnetic grids crisscross the earth on different angles. It is the crossing lines of a grid that can have a beneficial or detrimental impact on anyone who spends time on them. The most commonly known are the Curry and Hartmann grids.
Lines of the Hartmann Grid are parallel to each other, and they are alternately charged negative and positive. They are around 2 metres apart running in a north–south direction, and vary in an east–west direction depending on the latitude of the location. The spacing of the lines is thought to be affected by the phases of the moon, sunspot activity, changing weather fronts, winter months and environmental pollution. They can also be effected by how geopathically stressed a site is. For example, they are likely to bend away from geological faults. Anomalies in these grid systems can therefore often be rectified, or effects lessened, by remedying other stresses on the site.
The electrically charged lines of the Curry Grid are also parallel lines that alternate at positive and negative frequencies, but they run diagonally to the Hartmann Grid, in northwest–southeast and northeast–southwest directions. They are approximately 2.3 x 2.7 metres apart, although as for the Hartmann lines, this can vary.
Grid crossing points
In both the Curry and Hartmann grids, the crossing points of two lines of different charge (single crossing points) are not thought to pose much of a health concern unless they are located near a bedhead. When that occurs, insomnia, migraines and depression are common complaints.
In both grid networks, where two positive or negative lines intersect, double negative or positive nodes are created, and these can be problematic. Sleeping over double negative nodes on the Hartmann Grid can lead to headaches, cramps, nervous disturbances and rheumatic illnesses.
A person who spends time over the node where two negative Curry lines cross may experience nervousness, depression, sleep disturbances, and inflammatory and rheumatic illnesses. Alternatively, those who spend time where two positive lines cross may experience enhanced cell enlargement and proliferation, which sometimes manifests as cancerous growth. For this reason, sleeping or spending a great deal of time above these nodes should be avoided.
‘Problem’ nodes often occur where another line of geopathic stress crosses them. This is why addressing other forms of stress can often alleviate any effects from Curry or Hartmann nodes.
Other forms of geopathic stress
There are many other forms of geopathic stress, two of which are described below.
Energy leys
Energy leys are cords of energy (cords of attachment) that are created by thought and powered by emotion. They indicate personal connection, and there has to be a large amount of continual strong emotion behind it to keep it going. The level of emotion behind such a line generally determines its size and strength, although this can also be affected by its origin (that is, whether it is created by an individual or a group) or by the amount of overall geopathic stress present on a site. An energy-related relationship, which manifests as an energy ley, can exist between two people or places. This can create a line of consciousness (a connection) that passes from the originator, through the landscape, to the object or person. They can be positive (supportive) or negative (detrimental) – a common example is the connection that exists between family members.
Place memory
Place memory is created by human consciousness and the habitual action of those living in the space, which is imprinted on, or held by, the environment.
Locating geopathic stress
Anyone can learn to find geopathic stress; we all respond to it already, without necessarily realising that is what we are reacting to. For example, we have all walked into a room and felt uncomfortable for no immediately apparent reason, or have immediately fell in love with or felt connected to a place. This is often due to the way in which we resonate with the frequencies of a site. As well as feelings or resonance, we can also detect geopathic stress by looking at physical markers or by dowsing.
Physical signs of geopathic stress include unusual plant growth – for example, stunted growth, sick plants, fruit tress that do not bear fruit, cancerous growth on tree trunks and twisted or awkward growth when it is not the norm – as well as cracks in concrete and walls, crumbling plaster, dampness and mould, swollen timber and loosening wallpaper. While the presence of such signs alone do not signify geopathic stress is present, they can indicate a likelihood that it is there, particularly if, for example, dampness and mould persists in a room despite sufficient ventilation and all efforts to rectify it.

It is important to remember that these energies, even when felt to have a negative impact, are not good or bad. Indeed, something that may be harmful to humans may actually be beneficial for other species. Some plants and animals thrive on geopathic stress. Some stress-loving trees include oak, ash, willow, elder, elm, plum, nectarine, elderberry and apricot. Trees that avoid geopathic stress include pear, walnut, birch, plane, conifer, fir and pine.
Animals and insects that thrive on geopathic stress include ants, wasps, bees, beetles, termites, bacteria, viruses, cats, owls and snakes. Conversely, animals that avoid geopathic stress include dogs, horses, sheep, oxen, pigs, mice, fish, goats and chickens.
Click here for more information on the health effects of geopathic stress.